In 2010, MaKenzie was like many other 14 years old that loved music, dancing and talking on the phone with friends. MaKenzie was vibrant, spunky, fun to be around and loved to play pranks on people. In early June MaKenzie was diagnosed with a gioblastom multiforme tumor. Over the next year MaKenzie would undergo chemotherapy, radiation treatments, and numerous stays at Sunrise Hospital. Eventually MaKenzie lost her courageous battle with cancer at 15 years old and died May 30, 2011.
About Candlelighters
Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation of Nevada (CCCFN) is a non-profit agency that provides support and services for families of children diagnosed with cancer. Children from birth to 21 years of age who have been diagnosed with cancer or who have survived cancer are eligible for services if they are living or being treated in Nevada. Today, CCCFN serves approximately 100 families monthly, and as many as 600 families throughout the year by providing support, education, hope and advocacy through programs and services for children and adolescents with cancer, their families and the professionals who care for them. For more information, please visit their website – http://www.candlelightersnv.org

About Team Kenzie for Candlelighters

eam Kenzie was formed in honor of MaKenzie Lynn Hanover to help support the Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation of Nevada. The team was started in 2010 to participate in the Candlelighters 5K Run & 1 Mile Walk raising money to help kids fighting cancer. That year, Team Kenzie smashed previous team records by becoming the largest team ever assembled for the Candlelighters 5K event. Still holding that record today, Team Kenzie for Candlelighters has begun doing even more to help raise money for Candlelighters in MaKenzie’s honor, such as running a Phantom Fireworks stand, Team nights at restaurants and spreading the word about this great organization.
If you would like to contribute to this cause, please contact us.